Guide to Building a Wheelchair Ramp
Wheelchair ramps help make spaces more accessible for people who use mobility assistance equipment. And YOU can build one with these steps.
What Falls Under (HME) Home Medical Equipment?
Home Medical Equipment – also known as Durable Medical Equipment (DME) – is equipment that helps people with daily activities, like sleeping, walking, and monitoring vitals.
How Does Sleep Affect My Health?
Sleep deprivation can cause a myriad of issues that are detrimental to your health and safety, impacting everything from your physical health to your mental well-being.
Sleep Tips for Sleep Apnea: How to get a better night's sleep
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes you to stop breathing for short periods during the night. If you have sleep apnea, there are several things you can do to optimize your sleep.
Sleep Study Benefits: What is a sleep study? And should I have one?
A sleep study is a non-invasive overnight test used to monitor your quality of sleep and diagnose sleep disorders.