Home Medical Locations
Home Medical Locations


Since 1951 The Medical House has been a distributor of the highest quality products in home health care and rehabilitation to enable people to remain active and maximize their independence at home. Among the many categories of products we offer are: Aids to Daily Living, Bathroom and Bath Safety, Bedroom Accessories, Hospital Beds, Lift Chairs, Stair lifts, Cushioning and Pressure relief, Diagnostics and Physician Supplies, EMT, First-Aid & Wound Care, Incontinence, Ostomy Supplies, Maternity Supplies, Mobility and Accessories (Electric and Manual Wheel Chairs, Scooters, Walkers, Canes, Four wheeled Walkers), Orthopedic, Pain Management, Respiratory, and Urological.

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Please visit http://www.mymedicalhouse.com/index.php/ to obtain more information about their amazing services.


The Medical House

440 S. Washington St | Falls Church, Virginia 22046

Ph: 703-533-2290